Музей авиации
Ukraine State Aviation Museum
Ukraine State Aviation Museum (Juliani) is the youngest and at the same time, the greatest historical and technical museums of the country. It was created in 2003, uvinchavshy his greatest discovery date - the 100th anniversary of world aviation. The museum is housed in the former combat-aviation facilities (UATB) KIITSA (now NAU) and assigned to the aircraft it became the nucleus of his collection. However, beginning with only 30 sides, now Juliani have been exposure to almost 70 planes and helicopters.
Development of exposure Ukraine State Aviation Museum is constantly going on. Carefully preserved the existing technique are found new exhibits are delivered to the museum, where carefully restored and occupy its rightful place in the collection. At the same time formed and arranged archives, being established cooperation with aviation organizations around the world.
(with English speaking guide)